Players have the opportunity to join crypto poker site tournaments that boast a variety of stakes on secure, global platforms.


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SwC thanks BitEdge for recognizing that we are the market leader in bitcoin poker, by any measure. With the most players, most tournaments, and most games of any pure Bitcoin poker site, we are committed to improving our platform and attracting a wider audience, building on our long-standing reputation of fast payouts and fair rake.

SwC Poker winner
Variety of games and tournaments Low rake Poker only

The crypto pioneer SwC Poker created the original Bitcoin poker site. The well-respected poker site features some of the biggest crypto poker tournaments and the widest range of different poker games. The jackpots are impressive, the rake is low, and the rewards program is attractive.

SwC Poker accepts players worldwide and offers 100% anonymity with only an e-mail address required to create and use an account. They’ve accomplished their goal of creating an online poker experience that’s very similar to a live cardroom which is nothing short of amazing.

Runner up

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Nitrogen has done a good job of creating a worthy poker contender complete with a good variety of poker games. Players’ poker balance can be used across Nitrogen’s sportsbook and casino plus they offer a competitive rewards program.

All of this convenience comes at a price in the form of a slightly higher rake and fees for regular withdrawals which means they’ll have to settle for second place this year.

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Author-Nakul-Shah photo

Nakul Shah


In 2016, I worked on my first client to help write a white paper for a crypto and blockchain project they were building, and started delving deeper into blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

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