Crypto and free stuff are 2 of my 2 favorite things. So I am glad that by being actively involved in the community I have been gifted great crypto-related items.

The server we ran this site from

For 15 months this website was hosted on a virtual private server (VPS). The provider was Forked Networking and the uptime and performance were good until the end. It was exactly what we needed because the old shared hosting could not run the python scripts required to populate the odds comparisons.

Bitcoin bumper stickers

I got great bumper stickers from a passionate crypto user. They fit nicely on the side boxes and really stand out, being blue against the red bike. The bitmobile with a foreigner riding it gets attention here which means bitcoin gets attention.

5 T-shirts

I got the Nitrogen t-shirt in a social media sharing giveaway they did. Then I won the Betcoin jersey which was part of the Betcoin Gear Giveaway.

Also, I got a beautiful Bitcoin t-shirt from a 99 Bitcoin giveaway asking visitors to submit ideas for bitcoin t-shirts, and I got a t-shirt for verifying my identity. Finally, I got a Bittrex t-shirt at the Seattle crypto meetup.

It’s nice when people ask about my shirt and I get to tell them about crypto. It’s even better when I meet someone who already knows what the shirt is because we are both down the same rabbit hole and have a lot to talk about.

Fruit hamper in hospital

This is the best one of all as it was personal, thoughtful and unexpected. I was riding the bitmobile with my Betcoin T-shirt when a dog came out of nowhere and caused me to crash and break my collarbone, requiring surgery.

Like any gen Y, my first priority was to post about it on Facebook, where a few of the guys are my friends. We have not met but I use Rebit to pay rent, bills, phone top up and most of my expenses. They saw what happened and when I came out of the surgery I had received a fruit hamper, a get well soon card and a warm fuzzy feeling from them. combines cutting-edge technology with Pinoy heart.

Custom portrait from Cointelegraph

Popular crypto news website Cointelegraph asked users on Facebook to send pics of themselves that they would then give their distinctive artistic treatment to and include in an article. As you can go and check, they were as good as their word.

Hardware wallet, tips and more

I got a ledger nano from mBit for having bet over a certain amount. They have other bonuses at the moment, so you might want to check them out.

I have been tipped about 100 m฿ by other community members and I also got a free NFC bitcoin wallet from Tagger.

So r/bitcoin is the most lucrative place on Reddit (unless you are a hot girl selling custom butt pics). Even so, by far the most valuable thing I have gotten from the community is the camaraderie, entertainment, knowledge, new perspectives and stimulating discussions about crypto and the current financial system.

Giving back

The biggest thing I have given to my fellow crypto users was 2 passes to the Melbourne Inside Bitcoin conference via my local meetup. I have given a lot of people their first bitcoin just to get them on board.

Please use the comments to tell us about any sweet crypto gifts you have given or received.

Author-Nakul-Shah photo

Nakul Shah


In 2016, I worked on my first client to help write a white paper for a crypto and blockchain project they were building, and started delving deeper into blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

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