Bitedge Editorial Principles

Our Bitedge author team lives and breathes crypto and gambling. With years of first-hand expertise as investors, traders, players, and gambling content creators, we’ve got insider knowledge to provide you with reliable, useful reviews on all things digital assets and online gaming. Staying on the cutting edge of these rapidly evolving spaces is our passion.

We’re always learning, researching, and trying out new casinos, sportsbooks, and crypto projects so we can deliver the latest, most accurate information. Our mission is simple: to be your go-to resource, like a personal guide to crypto and gambling. We’ve put in the time researching – now let us share what we know.

Consider us your experts on all things digital money and wagering. Learn more about our mission on our homepage.


How We Established Our Editorial Guidelines

Bitedge is a collaborative effort. Although our team has diverse backgrounds, we share universal values that allow us to establish editorial guidelines together. This has helped us build a transparent brand we take pride in.

Our peer-written principles were created based on:


Content Creation and Review Process

We follow key practices when creating and publishing content:

➡️ Selecting Casinos and Sportsbooks for Review

Before any site makes it onto Bitedge, our editorial squad puts it through rigorous research and testing. We’ll scrutinize these platforms from top to bottom. Only the truly standout picks get our coveted stamp of approval. You can trust us to filter out the sketchy sites so you don’t have to. When you see a site on Bitedge, you know it’s been vetted by our team of experts. We’ve done the homework so you can pick a platform and dive in with confidence.

➡️ Criteria for Evaluation

We don’t just let any platform onto Bitedge. First, they have to measure up against our strict rating criteria and methodology (check out our rating guidelines if you’re curious about the specifics). We put each site through a rigorous assessment to see if it stacks up.

Only the platforms that meet our high standards get our green light. So when we recommend something to you, our readers, you can be confident it has passed our thorough evaluation process with flying colors. We do this vetting work so you can choose platforms that align with what you value most.

➡️ Ensuring Objectivity in Reviews

When we write reviews, we keep it real – our goal is to give you honest, unbiased insights to make informed choices about crypto and gambling sites. We won’t hype certain brands, that’s not our style.

Instead, we focus on what truly matters: user experience, key features, promotions, and customer service. You can count on us to highlight both the good and the bad so you get the full lay of the land, not just hype for certain companies.

➡️ The Role of User Experience in Our Reviews

We’re all about keeping it real – that’s why user feedback is so important to us. We include ratings and comments from actual users right on each review. This way, you get transparent insights into experiences from other people who’ve tried the platform.

The user votes and feedback help paint a clear picture of what works, what doesn’t, and what to watch out for. We value these real-world perspectives just as much as our own expert opinions.

➡️ Accurate and Up to Date

We don’t just publish reviews and forget about them. We understand that in the world of crypto and gambling, things change quickly. That’s why we’re always reviewing and updating our content to keep it fresh. Promotions change. New features are added. Terms and conditions get revised. If anything at a platform changes, we’ll update our review so you have the most current information available. You can trust us to be aware of all the latest developments and ensure our advice is in line with what’s happening right now.

➡️ Corrections

Accuracy is critically important to us. If you ever spot any errors or outdated info in our content, please let us know ASAP. We want to get that corrected immediately so it doesn’t mislead other readers. Your feedback helps us stay on our toes and ensure we provide only reliable, up-to-date guidance.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you notice something that needs updating. We deeply appreciate readers taking the time to help us maintain the highest levels of accuracy.

➡️ Feedbacks

We’re all ears when it comes to your thoughts and feedback! We want to hear it. Your constructive comments help us improve reviews and better serve you, our readers. Tell us what you like, what you don’t, what’s missing – bring it all on. The more insights we get straight from you, the better we can tailor our content to what matters most. And don’t just stop at our reviews – give us feedback on the platforms themselves too.

➡️ Disclosed Sources

We won’t just ask you to take our word for it. Whenever possible, we’ll reference credible external sources so you can check out the information yourself. Providing transparency in our research is a big priority. We want you to be able to verify facts, dig deeper, and get comfortable with the intel we provide.

That’s why we link out to trustworthy third-party sites, government agencies, whitepapers, and other useful resources. We aim to show our work and connect you with the most authoritative sources on key topics

➡️ Freshness

Things change fast in crypto and gambling, but you can count on us to stay in the loop! We’re obsessed with keeping up on all the latest developments – new coins, new games, new regulations, you name it. As soon as something notable happens, we jump on it to ensure our content reflects current realities.

We wouldn’t be doing our job if we let reviews get stale and outdated!

➡️ Comment from the Writers

When it comes to editorial standards, we don’t mess around. Our experienced writers follow strict guidelines to uphold our core principles of transparency, accuracy, and integrity. Producing ethical, trustworthy content isn’t just a job – it’s our passion. You can count on us to always shoot straight and keep it real.

Our #1 goal is equipping you with honest insights to make informed decisions.

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Fact-Checking Protocols

We have exhaustive fact-checking on all Bitedge content before publication, verifying every detail through a meticulous multi-step process.

🔵Our Fact-Checking Process: Step by Step

When it comes to fact-checking, we’re always on top of it. Our reviews go through a rigorous process of verifying details against independent sources, confirming regulations, and doing team reviews before publication.

We cross-check facts, and vet licensing, and leave no question unasked – all to ensure our reviews give you the complete, unvarnished truth. You deserve total accuracy, not hearsay. So you can dive into our content with confidence, knowing we work hard to earn your trust.

🔵Verifying Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Before recommending gambling sites, we validate licensing, adherence to regulations, and fully legal operations. We dig deep to sniff out any sketchy behavior. If a site can’t prove it follows the rules, we don’t endorse it.

You can trust us to vet sites thoroughly and only give the green light to casinos and sportsbooks operating legally and ethically. We have your back. Our endorsement means a site cleared our high bar for compliance.

🔵Meet Our Fact-Checker: Josip Putarek

Josip Putarek heads our exhaustive fact-checking using expertise from respected IFCN certification. He takes accuracy to obsessive levels, cross-referencing multiple sources to catch any errors pre-publication.

Josip’s eagle-eyed diligence ensures our content achieves maximum precision. His rigor and IFCN training mean our published reviews meet a gold standard for accuracy.


Ethical Considerations

Upholding high ethical standards and a strong moral compass guides all of our processes and content creation.

⭐Navigating Conflicts of Interest

We’re transparent about any affiliations that could influence our reviews – you deserve to know. If we partner with a brand, we disclose it upfront so you can assess our objectivity. Our loyalty is to readers, not platforms.

We promise to keep it real, let you know about relevant ties, and maintain unbiased perspectives. You can count on our honesty and transparency to deliver impartial reviews.

⭐Editorial Independence and Integrity

When it comes to our content, the buck stops with us. We make all the decisions independently, without any outside influence tugging at our sleeves. That’s how we maintain total editorial integrity.

Our work reflects our team’s perspectives alone – not sponsors, advertisers, or brands. We answer to our readers, not anyone else’s agenda. All the takeaways and recommendations you read come straight from our unbiased assessments.

⭐Our Commitment to Fair Play

We’ve got open ears and want to hear from you! Please share feedback, ideas for improvement, and critiques – bring it all on. We actively look for ways to get better and serve you, our readers, even more.

If we’re missing the mark or you think we could cover something better, speak up! We welcome it all and are 100% dedicated to leveling up our content and processes based on what you say.

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Transparency in Affiliate Relationships

We believe full disclosure of affiliate relationships allows us to maintain editorial independence while covering products fairly.

🔷How Affiliate Relationships Work

To keep our site going strong, we participate in affiliate programs where we can earn small commissions if readers sign up or deposit through our links. This enables us to keep the lights on and continue providing free, helpful info to you all!

We only recommend sites we genuinely believe in after thorough vetting. But we want to be 100% transparent that we do benefit a tad if you choose to engage further. Our editorial integrity remains intact, but your support via affiliate links gives us fuel to keep our mission rolling.

🔷Ensuring Editorial Independence

When it comes to picking what sites and topics to cover, our editorial squad has total autonomy. We make all content decisions free from any sway by the business side, so what you read comes straight from the analysts’ unbiased perspectives.

Even if a site advertises with us or contributes affiliate revenue, it earns no favors at editorial review time. We tune out any funding factors and recommend based solely on merit and reader benefit.

🔷Disclosures and Transparency

We’re upfront when links are affiliate-based so you can assess content objectively. If we stand to earn a commission from a recommendation, we’ll say so. Transparency is key so you can weigh our insights knowing the full context.

Our goal is to equip you with unbiased info to decide for yourself what’s best. We’ll tell you if a link pays us and also share both the positives and negatives of any brand.


User Engagement and Feedback

We want to hear from you! Reader feedback is crucial for us to keep improving our content. Please share your thoughts, suggestions, or concerns by commenting publicly or dropping us a message. We highly value these contributions – your perspectives help us evolve.

If we’re missing something important or could explain a concept better, speak up! Let us know what types of content you find most helpful too. The door is always open for respectful discussion on how we can be more useful to you.

✔️How We Incorporate User Feedback

User feedback provides invaluable insight to help us address concerns, improve weak spots, update outdated info, and better serve our audience. We listen to comments to tackle issues, strengthen flawed areas, and give you the best possible user experience. Your perspective allows us to evolve – so keep suggestions coming!

✔️Responding to User Concerns and Questions

Our FAQs come straight from user questions. When we notice common concerns, we develop responses to address them proactively. By asking questions directly, you help shape our knowledge base. We take your needs and turn them into useful explanations to benefit others. Speak up if you’re puzzled – you may spark a new FAQ!

✔️Building a Community of Trust

Our number one goal is to build a community of trust with all of you, our audience. We want to earn that trust through open and honest communication. That means keeping our channels wide open so you always have a way to provide feedback, raise concerns, and ask questions – whatever is on your mind.

When you speak up, we make it a priority to truly listen and then take action to address issues and improve based on your input.


Got A Question?

If you have any questions or concerns about the information outlined on this page regarding our editorial guidelines and processes, please feel free to contact us directly at

We are happy to provide additional clarification or have an open discussion about any of these policies and procedures that are important to our readers.

Your feedback helps us continuously improve!